Saturday, December 15, 2012

The wrong statistics

Once in a cafe I put too much sugar in my coffee, because it was weaker than the coffee at my usual hangouts. I went up and asked the waitress for a bit more coffee on top. I didn't want to insult her coffee, so I said: "I put in too much sugar. I based my estimate on the wrong statistics".


Anonymous said...

I didn't want to insult her coffee, so I said: "I put in too much sugar. I based my estimate on the wrong statistics".

Would she have given two shits - or even one - for some stranger's opinion of "her" coffee?

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Might not, but it absotively happens. People will get offended at the slightest things, sometimes.

A guy once got really offended because I asked him whether he still had a cat. He asked why, I said as truth was, I was considering getting one. I still have no idea how he found offense in that one.

And a friend once got very upset when I insulted her coffee. Granted, I used the word "horrible" (it really was), but I thought since we were friends, I could be more frank.