Sunday, June 06, 2010

Safe For Work Porn

Safe For Work Porn, edited video. Funny. Thanks to P-04-Referent. (I've know this guy for years, and I still can't recall what the heck that name means.)


Pascal [P-04referent] said...

Me neither. But I'm sure I've got it written down SOMEWHERE. [rummage, rummage]

[in sweat, giving up] Ah well. 'Twas some obscure reference to a highly successful series of novels that has yet to be written. Like JK Rowling calling herself "Hermione muggle" before publishing Harry Potter.

Or some such nonsense.

"Mom? What are all these people doing? It looks like fun.
- [ahem] What does it LOOK to you like they're doing, sweetheart?
- Playing cartoons. Yay!"

Timo Lehtinen said...

Eolake, could you write a blog post containing examples of work that is safe to do while browsing porn.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

I'll consider it. Huge subject, though, very complex.

Anonymous said...

That was awesome! (Yes, it filled me with awe!)

Pascal [P-04referent] said...

"could you write a blog post containing examples of work that is safe to do while browsing porn"?

A guy is lying on the sidewalk, drawing mysterious chalk circles. A cop approaches him and enquires:
"Excuse me sir, but what is the nature of your activity?
- My job? Well, I'm a hippopotamus sexer.
- A *WHAT*???
- A hippopotamus sexer. I determine the gender of baby hippopotami before they are born.
- Uh... so, what's the relation between that and those markings you're doing on the sidewalk?"
The guy gets upset:
"What? You think maybe hippopotamus sexer is a full-time job?"