Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Dang, I imported my pink camera from Japan, and now, one week after I got it, it's announced that it'll now be sold in Europe also! There goes my monopoly on being the Cute Photographer! Durn durn durn! :-)


TC [Girl] said...

But you were probably the FIRST 'Cute Photographer' in Europe...paving the way for MANY other "brave" men to shed their true inhibitions to SHINE BRIGHTLY with whatever color combo they choose for their SEXY ensemble of outfit and camera! lol! ;-) I'm digging the turquoise and fuschia models, myself! YUM!! :-P

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Yes, a brown camera is an outside choice, but I like the Metal Turquoise and the Metal Fuschia a lot. I don't think the japanese site had those. Double durnit.

Pascal [P-04referent] said...

It's not just the camera that makes you cute, you know.
"You, sir, are a natural." :-)

Steve said...

You can just claim to be a trend setter. :)

Pascal [P-04referent] said...

Odd, I've never heard of that race before...

Though my verif says "equidd". But I've never heard of such a HORSE race either!
("$150 on #4"!)

And to think I just called Eolake a StBernard! I'm really ignorant about dog breeds, that much is proven...