Saturday, January 31, 2009

Olympus review

When I was a teenager obsessed with photography, I'd have sacrificed both my grandmas to get a camera like this, and thrown in both my grandpas to get it at such a price!


Monsieur Beep! said...

I remember when in the 60's I was constantly browsing catalogues and staring at the images of my then dream cameras.
I still love them:
Agfa, Voigtländer, Rollei.
Minolta just came up, and whow: looked suspicious to me. Why? Too cheap? I think it was more because they weren't "Made in Germany".
Lol: where's "Made in Germany" now? Except for Leica and a few others, they're all gone.
Now it's "Made in Japan".

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Yes, I remember reading an article in the seventies which made fun of the fact that "made in Japan" used to be a phrase people said to make fun of crap quality, but it was no longer true.

Already in the sixties, Nikon made some of the best cameras you could find.

Anonymous said...

I can't say I approve of your value system, sacrificing your grandparents for a camera! Tsk, tsk!

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Well, you didn't know them. :-)