Monday, November 10, 2008

New dentist

A woman was sitting in the waiting room for her first appointment with a new dentist.

Looking around the room, she noticed his DDS diploma, which listed his full name. Suddenly, she remembered a tall, handsome, dark-haired boy with the same name who had been in her high school class some 40-odd years ago.

Presently, her new dentist called her in.

Upon seeing him, she quickly discarded any such thought that this dentist was her old classmate. He was a balding, gray-haired man with a deeply lined face who looked way too old to have graduated the same year as she. Besides, his name was a common name. Still, she couldn't resist asking him if he ever attended her school. "By any chance, did you ever attend Lawton Senior High School?" she asked.

"Yes, I did!" he said proudly. "I'm a Wolverine."

"When did you graduate?" the woman asked.

"In 1966," he answered. "Why do you ask?"

"I remember you!" the woman answered. "You were in my class!"

The old man looked at her closely. "Really?" he said. He then asked, "What did you teach?"


Anonymous said...

Your wife and your lawyer are both drowning. You've got a choice to make. ...Do you go to lunch or a movie?

Pascal [P-04referent] said...

"Little Johnny, come on, be good with Mister Dentist. Come on, son, please, say `aaahh`, and open your mouth wide... so that the nice Mister Dentist can remove his fingers!"