Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Jade drawing

Jade and Judy are visiting today. Here is Jade drawing.
I was struck by her profile.

Again this is the little Canon Ixus 960. It is awesome. This is indoors at 1/30th second, no flash, and it's pin-sharp due to the image stabilization.

I'm quite pleased with this one. And I printed it out big (40cm X 60cm) for her mom.
And by the way, if Jade ever starts a photographic career, I have her very earliest efforts: I lend her my camera today, and this is one of the results.

And here is her very first photo ever, featuring the first painting I'd made in many years, in 2006.

By the way, you'll notice that Image Stabilization works great even with a photographer of such tender age.


Hannah said...

Aren't they more curious about what you're doing than drawing? :)

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Nah, Jade has remarkable modeling discipline.

Anonymous said...

Jade is quite a celebrity here already!

I like the Little Bear photo.

Incidentally, I have a little bear that looks close to this one. All I'm missing now is the Herman Miller Aeron chair. :-)

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

I had to get that, he's a quite demanding bear.

Anonymous said...

I accidentally read that as "Jedi drawing". This caught my attention, however you surely understand my disappointment when there were no lightsabers nor pictures of Obi-wan drawing a kitty cat in the post to follow.

When are you going to post another humorous OS critique? You used to talk about important things but now all you're going on about is "illusions" and "beauty" and some such nonsense. *Shakes head in disapproval* Such a decline in quality...

Read another blog, you say? Why in bloody hell would I do that?

*Laughs madly and continues to debate with myself*

Alex said...

How can Jade only just be starting to take photos? I know my parents were quite convervative, not really letting me loose with a camera until I was about 5, but our two have had access to cameras since they were about 2 or three. It's a great way of seeing your house and family members.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alex said...

Ah, I can see that. That's the primary reason my folks didn't let me loose...

There are so many people I know in the UK on the rock'n'roll who seem to get their hol's in Tennergrief on the Costa Del Pissup and drive okay cars, have computers and all the toys.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

"on the rock'n'roll"?

On the dole/on welfare?

Alex said...

Yup, see, you do know the language.

Have you noticed the grafters, the people who actually work, put in the effort and don't cheat there taxes are getting by, but those who are a little more sly and a little more lazy seem to work the system, and find undeclared income, and do better at times.

Anonymous said...

alex said: "Have you noticed the grafters, the people who actually work, put in the effort and don't cheat there taxes are getting by, but those who are a little more sly and a little more lazy seem to work the system, and find undeclared income, and do better at times."

I certainly have. I think this applies to most European countries.

When you are a libertarian-minded person and don't want to "work the System" you are going against the grain. They would like for you to depend on the welfare state because dependency = control.

It is only after many years that I've discovered some of the strategies of how to live free in a socialistic country. Many others have too. This is now a growing trend.

Pascal [P-04referent] said...

Such concentration!
Kids. They're so amazing. My niece is only 180 months, and already she's a miniature woman. With a much less miniature personality! :-)

Alex said...
"our two have had access to cameras since they were about 2 or three."

My uncle has tried such an... "experiment". It's cost him six digital cameras so far. And counting.
Sure, he's got money. But seeing it turn to useless junk in the fleeting instant it takes for a piece of hi-tech electronics to impact with the floor, it still hurts.
"Do you have any idea, young person, how many starved Darfur orphans could have been fed with what you've just cost me?" (He didn't say it, but he darn well would'v had the right to!)

A family orders lunch at McFastfood. The kid carelessly tosses the toy on the floor without a second thought and just starts eating his burger. His mother lectures him:
"Young man, you pick it up right now and play with it, you hear? There are children who worked in China to make this toy!"

unbearable lightness said...

Oh, this is incredibly touching. Jade is lovely.

Thank you for the sweetness of this post.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Thanks yourself.

I trust you found the other, older posts/pics.