Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Who needs perfect cameras?

Who needs perfect cameras? Nice article by Mike Johnston.

"Part of me suspects that the anxiousness of shoppers to buy the very best camera possible—down to fractional measures of obscure capabilities, and shouting matches online with recalcitrant jerks who just refuse to see the superiority of one choice over another—comes down to insecurity."

I'm totally with Mike on this one. I always long for the perfect camera, and I've used more money on cameras than I care to reveal, but I've also taken some pictures I love on recyclable cameras, of all things. You know, the little paper/plastic things costing barely more than a film.

1 comment:

Alex said...

There is no perfect camera. Sometimes I want it in my pocket, other times I want a 3,000 mm lens.

There are two types of perfect, one is the technical perfections, which can only be determined by careful testing, or comparing specs put forward, via marketing, from internal engineering. The other is matching the user, the perfect camera for my mum is not the perfect camera for my dad, and neither is either of my perfect cameras.