Wednesday, June 13, 2007


... If parody is flattery...


Alex said...

Very "Space 1889". A friend and I were talking about making a Bluetooth plastic banana.

Take one Jabra bluetooth ear bod or similar. Add one plastic banana, maybe a bigger sounder and small amp.

Now you can look cool with a custom cellphone handset which integrates with the latest phone. (Cool as in, as stupid as someone talking to them self passionately on a hands free cell phone - remember when people who talked to themselves were considered weird?)

I was also considering wiring a traditional handset to my wifes cellphone since she does not like the mic alongside her cheek, she prefers a phone to feel like a phone. I respect that.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Wait til you guys see the keyboard I'm having customized. Should be a few weeks.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Street crazies should just find an old ear piece in the trash, boom, they look normal.

Anonymous said...

Steampunk style rules. I much prefer this to Microsoft's oFone.

Talking about steampunk, jonny5rd's Telecalculograph is one serious looking PC. It even has a 'furnace' which he demonstrates on a YouTube video.

Anonymous said...

I love your idea. Do send us pics of your street trials, should be fun! :-)
"Talk to the banana, that ape ain't listening."

Anonymous said...

Ah, good. I see somebody has found my lost futuristic portable telephone.
I was getting tired of going back to the Tardis every time I couldn't find a phone booth in London.
And how fortunate that this highly sophisticated device did not fall into the "hands" of a Dalek.

Alex said...

I'm getting to really like Steampunk, I guess I've been into it since the 80's, but we never really had a term for it then. My favourite Steampunk seems to revolve around art work for H.G. Wells' war of the worlds. But I digress (isn't that what blogs are for).

We have talked about decorating our house in a Myst like manner, red wood panelling, lace and velvet, kinda like Inara's shuttle in Firefly.

Anyway, I've said it before, but I'll say it again, look around for ITX computer case mods. There are some awesome ones, including a George Forman grill mod, and some old reel to reel tape decks.

Anonymous said...

Alex said...
"But I digress (isn't that what blogs are for)."

Alas, fine Sir Alex, in present case you digress not, for this is perfectly true and opportune. :-)

So, what about that banana of yours then? Don't tell us it went and split. ;-)

Alex said...

I'm on the road to Hell, that is, one paved with good intentions and unfulfilled plans.

The banana is in need of a $50 ear bud and a banana, and an amp, otherwise I have all the other compenents (namely BluTac and hot glue). Sound like you find it a-peeling though. I'll sell you the second one for $2,000 (don't want to sell myself too cheap).

At last I've been sired.

Sir Alex.