Saturday, September 16, 2006

Nisus Writer Express

The Mac word processor for people who like to write instead of formatting office documents: Nisus Writer Express.
This app is nible and has good usability. If you are a writer, using Microsoft Word is like doing surgery with a broad sword.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link. I just downloaded this and tried it out on my blog. It seems a bit more intuitive and doesn't get in my way as much as Word.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Just so. If you are a writer, Word is like doing surgery with a broad sword.

Anonymous said...

To me, Word feels like having a Swiss Army knife, all blades out, and no user's manual...

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Hehe, ya. And somebody throws it to you, hard.

Anonymous said...

As development is stagnated at Redmond, it's cool that the Mac community creates alternatives to MS Office. For me, though, all these WYSIWYG writing tools are a like three-wheeled bicycles: They guard you from falling down but you can't go very fast with them.

In 1976, Bill Joy created vi. I couldn't imagine composing texts with anything else. After electricity and the computer itself, vi is the one thing I am most dependent on my day-to-day life. I continue to be open to alternatives but I will be very surprised if something better comes along during my lifetime.

Anonymous said...

"And somebody throws it to you, hard."

Is that the army knife, or the super-sized manual? I shudder at having to make the choice...